INVESTMENT PRIORITY 1 PRIORITY AXIS 4: 4.1 Promoting the production and distribution of energy derived from renewable sources (RES)

In the energy sector (under the investment priority 1) OP QE is aimed at support for prospective and innovative technologies using RES, which will increase electricity and heat generation from RES. At the same time, support will go to the construction of small-scale plants for use of RES in households (not only in the less developed regions of the SR, but also in the Bratislava self-governing region).

Action to be supported under the investment priority:

  • Construction of plants using biomass by the means of renovation and modernization of existing energy plants with maximum thermal input power 20 MW combusting fossil fuels


  • physical or legal entities authorized to do business,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organizations providing services of general interest.


  • Construction of plants for biomethane production, use of hydropower, use of air thermal, hydrothermal or geothermal energy by using heat pumps, use of geothermal energy for direct heat generation and eventually also in combination with heat pumps, production and energy use of biogas, landfill gas and gas from wastewater treatment plants.


  • physical or legal entities authorized to do business,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organizations providing services of general interest.


  • Construction of small-scale plants for use of RES (within the national project „Green for households“)

Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency (SIEA), in the form of a national project, is also preparing a new program for renewable energy use in households. SIEA suggests that households after entering the relevant data just received vouchers which will subsequently be applied in the delivery and installation of equipment. Planned method of support suggests that SIEA through the national project ensures automatic registration of application forms and related documentation of completed installations. Such a solution of national project will fundamentally simplify the process of obtaining a subsidy, but it is time consuming to prepare. Support will be provided for installation of small-scale photovoltaic systems and wind turbines with an installed capacity up to 10 kW, solar thermal collectors, heat pumps and biomass boilers.

Target groups:

  • owners of family houses, associations of apartment and non-residential premises owners/ apartment houses administrators, i.e. households.

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 2 PRIORITY AXIS 4: 4.2 Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in enterprises (ENTERPRISES)

In the energy sector (under the investment priority 2) OP QE is aimed at introducing programs for support for energy audits at SMEs for objective determination of potential energy savings, based on which measures in the area of energy efficiency and use of RES will be proposed. Support for the implementation of such measures will reduce the energy intensity of production in enterprises.

Action to be supported under the investment priority:

  • Provisions for energy audits at SMEs
  • Implementation of measures arising from energy audits:
  • renovation and modernization of building objects in the area of industry and related services in order to reduce their energy intensity,
  • renovation and modernization of existing energy plants in order to increase their energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
  • renovation and modernization of systems for production and distribution of compressed air,
  • introducing measurement and control systems including energy and environmental manager systems, especially Eco-Management and Audit Scheme, in the area of energy production and consumption in order to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions,
  • construction, modernization and renovation of energy distribution systems, or distribution systems for energy media,
  • modernization and renovation of exterior lighting systems of industrial premises, but only together with other measures aimed at decreasing the electricity consumption in the enterprise,
  • other measures that contribute to reducing consumption of primary energy sources.


  • physical and/or legal persons authorized to do business in industrial sectors related services

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 3 PRIORITY AXIS 4: 4.3 Supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infrastructure, including in public buildings, and in the housing sector (BUILDINGS)

In the energy sector (under the investment priority 3) OP QE is aimed at reducing the energy consumption of public buildings, i.e. buildings owned by the public administration and local self-governments. Priority will be given to comprehensive projects i.e. projects which will combine energy saving measures in buildings which will be proposed to decrease the energy demand to the level of low-energy buildings, ultra-low-energy buildings and nearly zero-energy buildings.

Action to be supported under the investment priority:

  • Improvement of energy performance of public buildings by the means of:
  • improving thermal-technical properties of building constructions;
  • modernization of heating/air conditioning systems, systems for hot water preparation, lighting, elevators in order to reduce energy consumption;
  • installation of measuring and control systems;
  • changes in heat supply aimed at using efficient DHSs;
  • construction of plants for use of RES to cover energy consumption in buildings.


  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • public institutions.


Notice: Buildings must be owned/ administrated by the abovementioned eligible beneficiaries

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 4 PRIORITY AXIS 4: 4.4 Promoting low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and mitigation-relevant adaptation measures (STRATEGIES)

In the energy sector (under the investment priority 4) OP QE is aimed at support municipalities and other public entities to adopt low-carbon strategies with clear objectives and with an impact on environmental protection what is a basic precondition of a systemic decrease of greenhouse gas emissions, taking into account the regional and local conditions. Counselling, raising awareness and monitoring of low-carbon measures for all types of territories will be subject to the national projects of SIEA.

Action to be supported under the investment priority:

  • Elaboration and implementation of low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including updating and implementing municipality development concepts related to thermal energy


  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organizations providing services of general interest.


  • Implementation of energy and environmental management systems, including energy audits and the EU environmental management and audit scheme (EMAS)


  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organizations providing services of general interest.


  • Development of energy services at the regional and local level


  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organizations providing services of general interest.
  • Raising awareness of low-carbon measures especially energy efficiency and use of RES including consulting, information campaigns, professional seminars, congresses and activities for children and youth (within the national project „Live by Energy“)

Free energy counselling provided by SIEA since 2009 will also continue in the new programming period thanks to financing from the structural funds of the European Union. Likewise, both now and in the future, interested persons will be able to discuss their questions by phone through a toll-free number, e-mail and in person, but already in more places in Slovakia. Energy consultants will provide technical advice on exhibitions, or directly in towns and villages that they visit. Within the framework of upcoming national project SIEA plans to organize various events and conferences, seminars, discussions, as well as competitive programs, field trips and lectures for schools in the programming period 2014 – 2020. A part of the national project will also be new publications on energy savings and utilization of renewable energy sources.

Target groups:

  • general public, children and youth, the media – national, regional, professional, etc.
  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • private sector entities.


  • Introducing a system for regular consulting and raising awareness for public sector, energy managers, auditors, providers of energy services (within the national project „Expertly about Energy“)

National project implemented by SIEA is aimed at creating an information platform for energy efficient low-carbon economy for the following target groups:

  • technicians (engineers) in the area of implementation measures for energy efficiency and use of RES,
  • planners in the area of implementation of measures for energy efficiency and use of RES,
  • providers of energy services,
  • energy managers,
  • energy auditors,
  • persons with specialized skills for regular inspection of heating and air conditioning systems,
  • public sector employees, who deal with energy use and low-carbon measures.

A part of the national project will also be performance and preparation of energy audits for public buildings that could be subsequently used in their recovery.

  • Extending monitoring of energy efficiency and use of RES and other low-carbon measures (within the national project „Extension of energy efficiency monitoring“)

The aim of the national project is to expand the national Monitoring system of energy efficiency (MSEE), which is operated by SIEA since 2009, and the creation of new functionalities aimed at the electronic collection, analysis and evaluation of the energy consumption data while minimizing the administrative burden on data providers and data processing.

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 5 PRIORITY AXIS 4: 4.5 Promoting the use of high-efficiency co-generation of heat and power based on useful heat demand (CHP)

In the energy sector (under the investment priority 5) OP QE is aimed at support efficient district heating systems development in order to sustain and increase the proportion of supplied heat produced by highly efficient cogeneration. Support will especially be provided for measures aimed at construction, renovation and modernization of heat distributions systems.

Action to be supported under the investment priority:

  • Building, renovation and modernization of heat distribution systems,
  • Building, renovation and modernization of plants for high efficiency cogeneration of electricity and heat with maximum thermal input of 20 MW.

Beneficiaries (for both eligible activities):

  • physical and/or legal persons authorized to do business,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • central administration entities,
  • entities of territorial self-government.