INVESTMENT PRIORITY 4 of Priority axis 1: 1.4 Taking action to improve the urban environment, to revitalise cities, regenerate and decontaminate brownfield sites (including conversion areas), reduce air pollution and promote noise-reduction measures

In the field of Environmental burden issues is OP QE to increase the share of recovered sites with registered environmental burdens, which represent a permanent risk of negative impact on human health and on the environment.

Eligible Activity:

  • Survey, remediation and monitoring of environmental burdens in urban environment as well as in abandoned industrial sites (including conversion areas)


  • entities to which the obligation to eliminate the environmental burden passes in case the originator of the environmental burden ceased to exist or died and it is not possible to determine the obliged person in compliance with the “polluter pays” principle,
  • organisation mandated to perform national monitoring of geological environmental factors according to the Geological Act.
  • Improving awareness raising on the issue of environmental burdens


  • The Slovak Environmental Agency, within a national project,
  • central administration entities competent in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • foundations involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • associations of physical or legal entities involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment.