INVESTMENT PRIORITY 1 of Priority axis 2: 2.1 Supporting investment for adaptation to climate change including ecosystem – based approaches

INVESTMENT PRIORITY 1 OF PRIORITY AXIS 3: 3.1 Promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems

In the field of environmental risks is OP QE aimed to ensure flood protection, safeguarding of extractive waste repositories, the drought caused by ongoing climate change in relation to population (supporting water retention measures in the urbanised landscape and hydrogeological survey focused on identification of water deficit areas), implementation measures to prevent the landslides reactivation, other types of risks caused by ongoing climate change (support preparedness, management and intervention measures to deal with emergencies affected by climate change).

Eligible activities (concerning issue of flooding):

  • Preventive flood protection measures tied to a watercourse


  • state organisations performing the management of the water flows and water structures,
  • renters/borrowers of the small watercourses or their parts according to the Water Act.

All subjects, regardless of their legal form, that fall under the above given definition, are the eligible beneficiaries

  • Preventive flood protection measures implemented outside the watercourses


  • public administration entities,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest,
  • physical or legal entities authorized to do business. 
  • Updating flood hazard and flood risk maps and updating flood risk management plans


  • administrator of the water flows important from the water management point of view.
  • Development of methodologies for assessment of investment risks related to adverse effects of climate change



  • Central administration entities.
  • Information programs on adverse effects of climate change and proactive adaptation options


  • The Slovak Environmental Agency, within a national project
  • central administration entities competent in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • foundations involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
  • associations of physical or legal entities involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment.

Eligible activities (concerning the safeguarding of extractive waste repositories)

  • Re-cultivation of closed repositories and abandoned repositories of extractive waste (in line with the “polluter pays” principle)


  • Public administration entities.

Eligible activities (concerning issue of drought caused by ongoing climate change in relation to population)

Water retention measures in the urbanised landscape (residential areas of municipalities)


  • public administration entities,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest,
  • physical or legal entities authorized to do business.

Hydrogeological survey focused on identification of water deficit areas and provision of sources of drinking water, their accumulation and water management balance


  • the MoE SR and budgetary or contributory organisations established by the MoE SR.

Eligible activities (concerning emergency landslides)


  • Promoting prevention, survey and remediation of emergency landslides directly related to excessive precipitation activity.


  • public administration entities.

Eligible activities (concerning other types of risks tied to climate change)

Modelling the development of emergencies, monitoring and evaluation of the risks related to climate change and its impacts


  • Integrated Rescue System units,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • state budgetary organisations and state contributory organisations,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest.

Creating the systems of risk assessment, early warning and preparedness to deal with emergencies affected by climate change


  • Integrated Rescue System units,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • state budgetary organisations and state contributory organisations,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest.

Optimization of systems, services and strengthening the intervention capacities for management of emergencies at local and regional level


  • Integrated Rescue System units,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • state budgetary organisations and state contributory organisations,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest.

Creation of technical and institutional support of specialized rescue modules


  • Integrated Rescue System units,
  • entities of territorial self-government,
  • state budgetary organisations and state contributory organisations,
  • associations of physical or legal entities,
  • non-profit organisations providing services of general interest.