INVESTMENT PRIORITY 2 of Priority axis 1: 1.2 Investing in the water sector to meet the requirements of the Union’s environmental acquis and to address needs, identified by the Member States, for investment that goes beyond those requirements
In the field of water management OP QE is focused on wastewater, drinking water, monitoring of the water, ensuring the continuity of watercourses, as well as conceptual and information activities.
Eligible activities:
- Construction of public sewage systems and waste water treatment plants in agglomerations above 2,000 population equivalent in accordance with the SR commitments towards the EU
- Supporting infrastructure building in the field of sewage disposal and waste water treatment contributing to the water quality improvement in the protected water management areas with large-capacity ground water sources where good water status has not been identified or where the water body has been identified as a risk
Beneficiaries (for both activities):
- municipalities
- associations of municipalities
- owners of the public sewage systems under the Act on drinking public water supplies and public sewage systems
- legal entities authorized to do business in the field of public sewage systems, defined in the Act on drinking public water supplies and public sewage systems
- Ensuring conditions in the area of safe drinking water supply for the SR population from drinking public water supplies
The activity will focus on
- the intensification and modernisation of the existing surface water treatment plants in order to ensure safe drinking water, with a particular focus on solving problems with the eutrophication of waters by arsenic, antimony, microbiology and biology;
- the construction and expansion of drinking public water supplies will only be supported in the cases of parallel construction of public sewer systems according to the updated National Programme of the SR for implementation of the Directive 91/271/EEC.
- municipalities
- associations of municipalities
- owners of the drinking public water supplies under the Act on drinking public water supplies and public sewage systems
- legal entities authorized to do business in the field of drinking public water supplies, defined in the Act on drinking public water supplies and public sewage systems
- Monitoring and assessment of waters, including improvement of the monitoring network
- legal entity mandated by the MoE SR to detect the quantity, regime and quality of the surface waters and the factors effecting the surface water quality
- legal entity mandated by the MoE SR to detect the presence, quantity, regime and quality of the ground waters according to the Water Act
- administrator of the water flows important from the water management point of view according to the Water Act
- Ensuring the longitudinal and lateral continuity of watercourses and removing barriers in watercourses in order to support biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services
- state organisations performing the management of the water flows and water structures
- renters/borrowers of the small watercourses or their parts according to the Water Act
All subjects, regardless of their legal form, that fall under the above given definition, are the eligible beneficiaries
- Promoting the streamlining of tools of conceptual and informative nature applied in the area of water protection and water management
- The Slovak Environmental Agency, within a national project
- central administration entities competent in the field of creation and protection of the environment
- entities of territorial self-government
- non-profit organisations providing services of general interest in the field of creation and protection of the environment
- foundations involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment
- associations of physical or legal entities involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment
- Water Research Institute (WRI)
- Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
- Slovak Water-Management Enterprise, state-owned enterprise