Nature conservation
INVESTMENT PRIORITY 3 of Priority axis 1: 1.3 Protecting and restoring biodiversity and soil and promoting ecosystem services, including through Natura 2000, and green infrastructure
In the field of nature conversation is OP QE aimed at completing and ensuring coherence of the Natura 2000 network (particularly elaboration and implementation of the management plans of Natura 2000 sites); improve the condition of ecosystems ensured through functional system of monitoring and reporting on the area of nature and landscape conservation, elimination of invasive plant species and development of green infrastructure, thereby also contributing to climate change consequences mitigation and adaptation to such changes.
Action to be supported under the investment priority:
- Completing Natura 2000 network and ensuring coherence of Natura 2000 network and other protected areas (including internationally protected areas) as well as protected species
- state budgetary and state contributory organisations set up by the MoE SR with competence in the area of nature protection,
- owners or users of land in the protected areas except for physical entities which are not authorized to do business (with the condition of the MoE professional guarantee).
All subjects, regardless of their legal form, that fall under the above given definition, are the eligible beneficiaries
- Maintaining and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems and their services through revitalization, restoration and development of green infrastructure
- state budgetary and state contributory organisations set up by the MoE SR with competence in the area of nature protection,
- The Slovak Environmental Agency (also as a beneficiary within a national project through which the aid will be granted to other entities in this area as users),
- owners or users of land outside the protected areas except for physical entities which are not authorized to do business.
All subjects, regardless of their legal form, that fall under the above given definition, are the eligible beneficiaries
- Completing and improving the monitoring system of species and habitats of community interest and of the reporting
- professional organisation of nature and landscape protection with nationwide scope, set up by the MoE SR under the Act on nature and landscape protection.
- Improving awareness raising and involving the key sectors and the general public in the field of nature and landscape conservation
- The Slovak Environmental Agency, within a national project,
- central administration entities competent in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
- entities of territorial self-government,
- non-profit organisations providing services of general interest in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
- foundations involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment,
- associations of physical or legal entities involved in the field of creation and protection of the environment.